2020: A Year in Review

I can't believe that this year is soon to end! It feels like it's gone so fast, but so slow at the same time.

Being a sole practitioner who runs most of the admin work myself and I also hold two other part-time jobs has been a real challenge! Being a new clinic, I wasn't able to get any government help and so for a while there I struggled to try to keep this dream alive.

Many tears were shed!

But, thanks to all my patients, family and friends who supported me, I was able to come out of 2020 more resilient, more determined and have definitely come out stronger.

Let me take you through a little recap of our 2020 here at 2 Right Feet Podiatry!


Jan & Feb 2020

I started off the new year with a new year’s resolution: going keto. While it felt great in so many ways (energy, sleep etc) it just wasn't sustainable. But I made a pretty good keto pizza! Check out my MasterChef skills in the picture below!


I also started off my professional development for the year with a seminar on dermatology, which was awesome to learn about skin lesions (such as cancers) and fungus!


The Badminton Podcast also kindly invited me to speak about the most common injuries that badminton players sustain in the lower limb - you can listen to my episode here!


Taylor joined our team also in late February! She helps us out with some admin work and marketing.

March 2020

Thinking back, March was a HUGE month!

I started off by heading to Sydney to celebrate my cousin's baby's 1st birthday and while I was there I also visited Frankie4's new store in Mosman!

Rebalance Glen Waverley invited us to speak to their members about our foot posture and what we can do to optimise our foot function!


We were also slated to participate in the Mooroolbark Festival, which unfortunately got cancelled. COVID-19 was starting to affect Melbournian’s everyday life, but only for a month or two, we thought. The festival would be rescheduled soon, right? (Oh, how wrong we were!)

This month was also when my fiancé, Steven, also started working from home. (And started growing a patchy beard...)

April 2020

First lockdown had hit, but I was determined to still send out some foot love into the world! We did a "14 days of quarantine foot care" series on our Facebook and Instagram (and I even got onto TikTok for a while there!) where you can hear me talk about best ways to massage feet, how to get your heels baby smooth, how to tie your shoelaces in different ways and much more!


We also introduced telehealth to be able to help patients from the comfort of their home. However, there were many times I felt like reaching through the screen!


May 2020

We officially turned one! As I, unfortunately, couldn't celebrate properly with everyone, I celebrated by myself with homemade profiteroles.


For Mother's Day, we raised a whopping $603 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation by hosting online zoom reflexology session where you could pamper your mum or wife with guidance from yours truly.


June & July 2020
By now, I was an absolute pro at putting on PPE. I even added a face shield not long after this picture was taken at my aged care job.


The number of chilblains cases increased dramatically this year and I was seeing them frequently in clinic. Even I got one! (Pictured) We think it's because everyone had limited their movement and exercised less so our poor toes got very cold.


My mother in law also hoarded heaps of apples. But then again, this was not unusual for her, even pre-pandemic.


Aug & Sept 2020

Stage 4 lockdowns. At first, I was super optimistic and wanted to get so much paperwork done, but this was the time I also realised how much I thrive by chatting to my patients. I ended up finishing 8 seasons of Friends during this time and got connected with my creative side.
I also started attempting growing vegetables and bought myself a worm farm!


Along with Venezia from MV Emporium and Ziva from Butter & Stuff, I hosted an Online Spring Retreat where we did Pilates, baked and learned some foot mobility exercises!


Oct & Nov 2020

Finally got to see patients again after the long period of triaging patients and only seeing emergency patients or through telehealth. This was an overwhelming, but an extremely happy time for me.

I am also now a professional hairdresser. I use high quality charity bags instead of capes.


December 2020
Taylor and I went to Yarra Glen to have 2 Right Feet Podiatry's first-ever Christmas party and to do some planning for 2021 while indulging in some delicious parmas and chocolates at the chocolaterie.


I also said say goodbye to Everwell Medical Centre - a job that I have had for 3 years and 3 months now! It was sad to leave, but I am excited to be putting more time and love into 2 Right Feet Podiatry.

 ...What's Next in 2021?
Next year brings many new possibilities and excitements for 2 Right Feet Podiatry. One of the most exciting things is that in February 2021, we will have a fungal toenail laser machine! It is a cold laser, so it is completely pain-free and hassle-free. This means, no daily applications of nail lacquers and no harsh oral tablets! I have been scouring the market for years trying to find a better solution and I think I have found it. If you'd like to know more information check out www.2rightfeet.com.au/clearnails

We’ll be doing a special introductory deal for February 2021 for $100 off the initial protocol of treatments - that’s 4 weekly sessions (originally $600)! Contact us to find out more.


This year has come with many challenges and learnings and I am so grateful for all the support patients friends and family have given me over this year. But it’s safe to say I am excited for what 2021 will bring.

With happiness,

Jasmine Kouch, Founder & Podiatrist


It's been a while, time to catch up!


The Second Step