Why is hydration so important for muscular health?

Do you know what hydration is? Do you *really* know what hydration is??

The definition of hydration according to the Cambridge English Dictionary is, “the process of making your body absorb water.”

Many people believe that hydration for the body can consist of any liquid, ranging from coffee, tea, soft drink, juice, and even alcohol. These drinks are far from being recommended as a suitable liquid to keep your body hydrated. Water is the most optimal liquid as a source of hydration.

From a myotherapy point of view, hydration is a key part of what's best for your muscles to be energized and perform at their best level. Muscles source the nutrients, and water from your blood to stay healthy and happy. When your body is dehydrated, waste levels within the blood increase, and if your muscles source that waste, they can become tight, tender, and fatigued quicker.

When muscles are happy, healthy, and hydrated, you will find that some tightness, restriction, fatigue, and lack of strength will decrease!

Other benefits of keeping hydrated, are your body’s ability to tolerate more pain, recover from different injuries quicker (eg: muscular tears), and increase lubrication through your joints.

The general recommendation is for a minimum of 1.5 liters of water to be drinking on a daily basis. You can still have a coffee, tea, or a glass of orange juice during the day, but the aim of drinking enough water should be the sole objective.

The old-school advice of drinking 7-8 glasses of water a day is hard to keep track of, and fairly difficult to complete. Changing the multiple glasses to finishing a 1.5lt bottle once, or 750ml bottle twice is much easier, and more efficient to complete.

Good luck, and stay hydrated!

Brendon (Myotherapist)


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